Welcome at Matas Hovedbanegården
At Matas we aim to spread the feeling of beauty and well-being. Our employees are specially trained to guide you to the products that bring out the best in you. Join Club Matas and we can do even more to pamper you. You get special membership offers, invitions for exciting events here in the store, and you get points every time you shop at Matas or one of our partners. At Matas you get everything from pure pampering to good health advice for your inner and outer beauty. Care for face, body and hair, scents and makeup, vitamins and minerals, supplements, herbal remedies and over-the-counter medications. You will find both the major, international brands such as DIOR, CHANEL and CLARINS and exciting Danish brands, such as Tromborg and Nilens Jord, Ole Henriksen, Rudolph Care and many more. And naturally our own brands, including Striberne, which is the largest care series, developed and produced here in Denmark. We also have equipment and dietary supplements for your workout and all the practicalities you need to for home and garden.

Tlf. +45 33 13 23 88
Mandag – fredag
08.00 – 18.00
09.00 – 18.00
Søn- og helligdage
10.00 – 18.00